3 Reasons To Bundle All Of Your Insurance Through One Company

If you are like many people, you might have various types of insurance to protect the things that are most important to you and your family. For example, if you are a business owner, you might have various types of business insurance so that you can protect your company. You might also have homeowners insurance, car insurance, life insurance and more. Currently, you might have policies through various insurance companies, but a better option can be to bundle all of your coverage through one provider.

Could You Reduce Your Company's Workmans Compensation Insurance?

Many factors influence a company’s workmans compensation insurance rates. Businesses have little control over some of these, such as the industry a company is in and how many workmans compensation claims the company has filed in the past. There are factors that businesses can control, though. If you run a business, here are some ways your company may be able to reduce its workmans compensation insurance premiums. Instill a Safety Program

Things To Consider Before Removing A Stored Vehicle From Your Auto Insurance Policy This Winter

It’s common for people to assume that because they are storing a vehicle through the winter, they should remove it from their auto insurance policy. Unfortunately, removing a vehicle from your auto insurance policy isn’t as simple as you may think. There are several things that you need to take into consideration before taking a vehicle that’s stored for the winter off your insurance policy. Registration Most states require drivers to insure all registered vehicles, regardless of how frequently the vehicle is driven.

Looking for a Profitable Job As a Stay-at-Home Mom? Why You Can't Turn Away from Insurance Sales

If you are looking for a job that you can do as a stay-at-home mom that will help you launch a career and help pay the bills, becoming an insurance agent is a great option. There are a lot of different types of insurance that people need, from auto-insurance to life-insurance policies, and you can start making a profit providing these policies to people. You can start a training program online, such as one from Enterprise Training School, and find a company to represent after you have completed the training.

3 Things Everyone Should Know About Getting Auto Insurance

Everybody has car insurance. It is something that people are very familiar with, and most people are looking for ways to keep their premiums low while also getting good coverage. Here are some easy things that you can do to save money on your car insurance while still receiving good coverage. 1. Don’t Be Afraid to Negotiate When you apply for insurance you should be honest with the agent about your needs and your budget.

Home Hazards: Four Home Issues That Could Be Impacting Your Home Insurance

Is your homeowner’s insurance policy strangely high? If you’ve compared with your neighbors and found that your insurance policy appears to be at the upper end of the scale, there may be certain things about your home that is impacting it. Homeowner’s insurance takes note of a surprising number of factors. Some of these may seem perfectly innocent to you but be a liability to them. Owning a Large, Mature Tree

3 Advantages Of A Medicare Supplement Vs. Medicare Advantage

Even though many senior citizens and individuals with disabilities rely on Medicare alone for their healthcare coverage, you do have two options if you would like additional coverage. One option is Medicare Advantage, and the other is a Medicare supplement plan. Both are available from private health insurance companies and have their own advantages and disadvantages, but before signing up for one, you’ll want to know the distinct differences. Once you do, you might find that a Medicare supplement is the right choice for you.

Ditching The Chemical Herbicides: Be Prepared For These Effects

If you’re a landscaping company owner who is trying to get away from using chemical herbicides (technically every herbicide is a chemical herbicide, but the term is used here to mean the lab-created, unpronounceable-ingredient, covered-with-a-hazard-label type of herbicide), you might think using supposed natural herbicides won’t make much of a difference in your day-to-day operations. However, they can have effects, and you should be prepared for how using these can change what you do or change how you see the herbicides.

Using Your Home Lighting To Prevent Theft

In order to deter thieves from vandalizing your home and stealing your personal possessions while you are away, one common thought is to leave your lights on. However, you have to be somewhat strategic about how you do this as burglars have become keen on who is really home and who is not. The following are some ways to strategically use your outdoor lights to keep the bad guys away:

Requirements You Will Have If You Get An Occupational Driver's License

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious crime that can result in losing the privilege to drive. If you were recently convicted of a DUI and have lost your driver’s license as a result, you may want to talk to your attorney about applying for an occupational driver’s license. This is a special type of driver’s license that will give you certain driving privileges, but you should be prepared to pay a price for it.

3 Misconceptions About Life Insurance

Many people have misconceptions about life insurance. They may think that it is not for them because of false ideas that they have about the insurance policy. This is why it is so important that you are given proper information about life insurance so that you can decide if getting a life insurance policy is right for you, and in most cases the answer is yes! You definitely could benefit and even need to carry a life insurance policy.

2 Home Additions That Can Help You Save Money On Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

Homeowners insurance is one of the most important insurance policies that you can possibly have, which makes sense since it is intended to cover what is most likely going to be the single most expensive purchase that you are going to make. However, just because your homeowners policy is so very important does not mean that you shouldn’t be looking for ways to lower your insurance premiums. Listed below are two home additions that can help you save some money on your home insurance.

What Everyone with Auto Insurance Needs to Know about Rental Car Reimbursements

Have you thought about what would happen if you were involved in a car accident? Most people have insurance on their vehicles, but many individuals only get the bare minimums to ensure that they are legally compliant. This is something that could cause a problem if they are involved in car accidents and need to get their vehicles repaired. A common obstacle that those with liability and comprehensive insurance face are not having rental car reimbursement insurance.

All About Homeowners Insurance

Home is where the heart is. It’s a place you go to relax after a long day of work and a place to raise your kids and start a family. With that being said, all the property secured in your home should be protected with homeowners insurance. That’s why homeowners insurance is a requirement prior to closing on your home. Here are some things to consider before making a purchase.

Four Discounts Offered By Car Insurance Companies That Can Save You Money

There are many ways to save money on your car insurance, but one of the most important ways to save is taking advantage of the discounts car insurance companies offer to their customers. The following are a few important discounts that you should be aware of. Discounts for seniors Most people with kids of driving age know about discounts for good students, but not as well known are the discounts for good drivers who have reached a certain age.

5 Ways To Cut Your Homeowners Insurance Costs

Do you dread opening your homeowners insurance bill every month? Dealing with expensive insurance premiums can definitely be frustrating. The truth is that there are a number of factors that can make your home insurance go up in price, such as a low credit score or a trampoline in your backyard. Here are five effective ways to cut your homeowners insurance costs: Get Rid of Your Trampoline When you were purchasing your trampoline, you probably just thought about how much fun your kids would have with it.

What Kind Of Insurance Does My Design Business Need?

Even if you are a solo entrepreneur who does graphic or web design, your new business still deserves great business insurance coverage. Here are some of the most common insurance types that people in your position get.  General Liability Insurance General liability insurance is good practice for businesses of all kinds. The idea behind general liability insurance is that it can protect your small business from claims of a great variety.

3 Simple Ways to Save Money on Home Insurance

Homeowners insurance is a must for every homeowner. For most people, their home is their largest investment, and that is why it is so important that your house is protected. However, just because you should always have a homeowners insurance policy doesn’t mean that you have to go broke to get one. Here are some things that you can do to save money on your home insurance. 1. Have the House Appraised

Tips For Selecting The Right Deductible For Your Homeowners Insurance

If you are buying a home, one of the things you must do is purchase homeowners insurance. This type of insurance will protect your home and your belongings if anything happens to them from a fire or any other type of major problem. Your insurance policy should reimburse you for all the costs you incur if something happens, and you will only have to pay a small portion of the expenses.

Storm on the Way? Take These Steps to Reduce the Likelihood of a Home-Insurance Claim

When a significant storm is in the forecast, your first priority should be to ensure that your family will be safe. Depending on the severity of the forecast, this might mean that you should send your family to a part of the state in which the forecast isn’t as severe. Next on your list of priorities should be protecting your home. A home can get damaged in a number of ways during a severe storm, leading to the need for an insurance claim and the payment of your deductible.

Choosing Between Personal and Commercial Insurance

Small-business owners often mix their personal and business assets; for example, they may use their business cars for personal use. However, when it comes to insurance, you need to be clear on whether a car is for commercial or personal use so that you can buy the relevant coverage. Here are three questions whose answers will help you make the distinction. What’s the Primary Use of the Car? This is one of the first things insurers evaluate because most personal auto-insurance policies provide limited coverage for business use.

3 Reasons You Need Business Insurance For Your Home-Based Business

Whether you’re new to the home-based business game or you’ve been a home-based business owner for years, you may be shocked to learn that many of the risks involved in running a home business aren’t covered by your home insurance policy. Not convinced that you need business coverage for a home-based business? Read on to learn three reasons why your home insurance policy just won’t cut it. 1. Expensive Business Equipment Isn’t Covered by Your Home Policy

Things to Consider Before Starting a Boarding Service

If you are experienced with horses and have a few extra stalls or extra pasture space, then you may be considering renting out that space for boarding. Like any business, you’ll need to plan carefully before you are ready to open your doors. When organizing and getting ready for business, consider these three things. How is the condition of your property? Though you may have the extra space, your property may not be suitable when it comes to taking on boarders.

Protecting Your Home From Pet Damage

For pet lovers, there is little that their dogs or cats can do that isn’t forgivable. If your new dog chews up your sofa, you will be angry, but those sad puppy eyes are hard to resist. The same goes for your independent cat. Sure, your wood paneling may suffer from their claws, but when they purr and rub up against your legs, you can’t stay mad. Your only choice is to protect yourself from the damage.

Answers To Common Questions Concerning SR22 Insurance Policies

Auto insurance is a mandated form of protection that is required to operate a car on any public roads. Sadly, there are many individuals that are not familiar with the various types of policies. In particular, it can be common for drivers to lack knowledge about SR22 auto insurance policies. Once you have the following several SR22 questions answered, you will have a far better understanding about these policies. What Is The Purpose Of SR22 Insurance?

Ways to Keep Your Warehouse Employees Safe While Working

If you own a small warehouse that requires the use of heavy machinery, the following tips can assist with keeping your employees safe while completing their work responsibilities. You can also learn how to offer aid to an employee if one does become injured in spite of utilizing each of the safety precautions. Training Courses to Assist with Operating Machinery Properly Sign your employees up for training courses that are designed to instruct them on how to operate machinery the proper way.

DIY Work And Roof Exclusions Don't Mesh Well

Performing do-it-yourself work is frequently a great way to save money. Homeowners in a bind financially due to insurance company invoking a “roof exclusion clause” and denying payments on leak-related damage may even be forced to fix things on their own. Not every job, however, can be done by one person. Asking a friend to help out with some basic repairs seems like a wise and harmless idea. Unfortunately, requesting assistance for a DIY project presents major liability risks when a roof exclusion is in effect.

3 Tips for Millennials Looking to Lower Auto-Insurance Rates

For many adults under the age of 35, money can be tight. If you’re a millennial who’s looking for ways to lower your current expenses, consider the three tips offered below on how to lower your auto-insurance rates. Tip #1: Take a Defensive-Driving Course The number-one way to lower your auto-insurance rates is to drive safely. Driving safely, however, doesn’t mean you’ll see automatic insurance-rate deductions. If you’re looking for instant reductions in your insurance rates, consider signing up for a defensive-driving course.

What To Do When Your Auto Rates Climb Due To Your Spouse

If you are married to someone with a lead foot while driving, you may be concerned about them getting accidents or tickets. If your spouse does get into a series of auto mishaps this can cause your insurance premium to increase. For a person that has always been a careful driver, this can seem a bit unfair for you to have to deal with. If you don’t want to have to pay the price of their auto mistakes, here are some ways to pay a little bit less in auto coverage while helping your spouse clean up their auto record.

Three Expenses Parents Need To Consider When Purchasing A Life Insurance Policy

As parents care for their children, they may not lend much thought to making preparations if they both should pass away. One important thing that parents need to do is take out life insurance policies. Both parents need to have a policy; this ensures that the surviving parent is taken care of if one should die. If both parents die, having ample insurance provides the financial resources required to care for their children.

Heading Away On A Trip? These Plans Will Lessen Your Risk Of Having Your Home Burglarized

When it comes to heading out of town and leaving your home empty, you don’t want to face a heightened risk of having it burglarized. Not only can this be highly inconvenient, but it will also prompt you to pay your insurance deducible and spend time on the claim — both of which you’d likely rather not have to do. Most homeowners know the importance of drawing their curtains, using light timers, and having a neighbor pick up their mail while they’re out of town, but people don’t always give enough thought to the method with which they leave their house on the morning of their trip — and inattention in this area could lead to a burglary.

Who Needs SR-22 Insurance Coverage?

Owning and operating a motor vehicle is a privilege that many drivers take for granted. Each time you get behind the wheel of your car, you are liable for damages that could occur if you make a mistake. Auto insurance policies are designed to ensure each driver has the financial resources needed to cover the cost of any damages they cause. SR-22 insurance coverage is a special kind of insurance designed to cover high-risk drivers.

Three Reasons Why Newlyweds Should Combine Car-Insurance Policies

If you have recently gotten married, you might be slowly getting used to sharing a life with someone else. This involves a lot of things that you might not have thought about before you got married, such as combining your bills. One thing that you might not have done yet—but that you more than likely should—is combine auto-insurance policies rather than carry separate policies. These are a few reasons why you and your new spouse will probably want to be on the same insurance policy.

Car Care Tips For Winter

Winter can be one of the hardest seasons on your car. The weather itself can cause many different maintenance issues, and bad visibility from inclement weather lends itself well to car accidents. Here are some of the things that you can do to protect your car during the winter.  Get Your Battery Checked The winter months can be extremely hard on your battery. If the battery was already at half power or less, the winter can be an accident waiting to happen if your battery dies when you need to start the car most.

Two Tips To Help You Get The Best Rate On Your Automobile Insurance

Maintaining automobile insurance on your car is an important part of being a responsible motorist.  However, you may be having a hard time finding a policy that won’t stretch you to the ends of your budget.  Don’t fret:  There are things you can do to get a better rate.  Use this information to learn about two tips that can help you get the best price on your automobile insurance policy.

Tips For Choosing Car Insurance Coverage

You have so many options when it comes to car insurance coverage. Some of them, like uninsured motorist coverage, are mandated by your state. However, you still have to choose different levels of coverage for that and for other kinds of policies. Your best resource is an insurance agent. However, even before you talk to your insurance agent, have in mind what some of your preferences are. Decide on a Spending Allowance

4 Tips For Reducing The Cost Of Your Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners insurance is designed to protect you financially in the event that your house is damaged or your belongings are stolen. If you have a mortgage loan, your lender most likely requires that you carry homeowners insurance. While homeowners insurance is essential to have, it doesn’t mean you should pay more than you have to for your policy. Use the following tips to help reduce your home insurance premiums: Don’t Buy a Policy that is Larger than You Need

3 Things You Don't Want To Leave Off Your Insurance Policy

Owning a vehicle comes with a number of responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is making sure your vehicle is properly maintained and taken care of at all times. Unfortunately, you cannot always predict what might happen down the road. However, you can make sure that you don’t end up having to spend more than you need to when your vehicle is in an accident or broken down on the side of the road.

4 Tips For Shopping For Health Insurance

Shopping for health insurance can be confusing and overwhelming. After all, there are many options and many sites you can visit that provide health insurance options and quotes. Here are four tips to help make the shopping experience a bit easier: Go To Your State’s Marketplace: Every state has a marketplace in which you can shop for health insurance. This can either be online through their website or you can visit your local marketplace office.

Questions To Ask Yourself When Considering Purchasing Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans

If you have Medicare, you might have noticed that it doesn’t cover everything that you might want. You might find it inconvenient that portions of your treatment are not covered by Medicare and have to be paid out of pocket or that there is no travel insurance. Here are some questions that you should ask yourself when considering Medicare supplement insurance plans to help you decide if paying for one is necessary to keep you well.

Three Factors That Can Affect Your Home Insurance Quote

When you’re starting to think about moving to a new home, it’s important to give some consideration to the factors that can affect your home insurance quote. Sure, it might be more enticing to evaluate the size of the home and all its available features that you could be enjoying with your family, but being aware of how certain elements of the home can impact how much you’ll be paying for your insurance will save you from any surprises once you get your quote.

Starting A Family In A New House: Why You Need Home Insurance Coverage

Are you excited about starting a family in the new home that is the first one that you ever purchased? Since you are new to being a homeowner, there are a few things that you should know about getting insurance for financial protection in the event of accidents. Below, discover why your next step should be getting homeowners insurance so you can enjoy the benefits that it has to offer.

3 Questions To Ask About Your Homeowners Insurance When You Have Mold

If you have recently discovered that you have mold living in the walls, your next thought often relates to whether or not the expenses related to its remediation will be covered by your homeowners insurance. Although the common misconception is that mold damage is never covered, there are some situations where it is. In that instance, flood insurance or a rider on a standard policy may also help you make your home safe to live in once again.